Laser Tattoo Removal In Raipur

Laser Tattoo Removal In Raipur

YAG uses high-intensity pulses of laser light to target the tattoo pigment. When particles of tattoo ink absorb the laser light, they are broken into tiny fragments. These fragments are then absorbed through the body’s natural cleansing mechanism.

  • The laser targets pigment by using light.
  • The body naturally flushes the ink particles out.
  • As more of the tattoo’s pigment is broken down, the lighter the tattoo will become.
  • Eventually, with treatments, the tattoo is removed completely.

  • How Does Laser Tattoo Removal Work?


    Laser tattoo removal works by emitting short pulses of laser light into the tattoo. With laser technology, the light is absorbed by the ink particles in the skin, making those ink particles shatter into tiny fragments.The body has the ability to flush out those tiny particles, permanently removing your tattoo forever.

  • Does Laser Tattoo Removal Hurt?


    Most people experience mild pain and discomfort during treatment which is bearable. It hurts less than the pain of getting the tattoo at first place. We commonly use cold air, numbing creams, or lidocaine to prep the skin prior to the laser.

  • How long are the sessions?


    The duration of treatment depends on the size of the tattoo. It can vary from a couple of minutes to an hour.

  • How many sessions are needed?


    This also depends on the depth of the ink, type of ink and the size of tattoo. You might require 2-6 sessions.

  • What Are the Side Effects of Laser Tattoo Removal?


    Following laser tattoo removal treatment, it is common to see redness and swelling on the surrounding skin. This usually subsides within a few hours of treatment. It is also common to see hypopigmentation, or temporary lightening, of the skin. Skin color usually returns to normal within about two weeks.

  • What is the after care and precautions?


    After the procedure the skin is a little sore and swollen.
    - Strict asepsis has to be maintained.
    - Avoid direct sunlight to the treated skin.
    - Apply the prescribed antibiotic ointment for 5-7 days.
    - Avoid hot tubs, high pressure jet and shaving of the affected area.
    - Avoid scratching or rubbing the area.