Hormonal Skin

Hormonal Skin

What does it mean to have hormonal acne?

Hormonal acne is exactly what it sounds like — acne tied to fluctuations in your hormones.

Although it’s typically associated with hormone fluctuations during puberty, hormonal acne can affect adults of any age. It’s especially common in women. A number of factors may contribute to this, including menstruation and menopause.

It’s estimated that 50 percent of women ages 20 to 29 have acne. It affects about 25 percent of women ages 40 to 49.

Expert opinions are mixed when it comes to hormonal acne. Although the Mayo Clinic says hormones generally aren’t a factor in adult acne, hormonal imbalances may contribute to acne in adults with underlying medical conditions.

In other cases, adults with acne may not have any “measurable” hormone issues. This can make diagnosis and treatment challenging.